
Software developer specializing in full stack web development using Python, Django, and Javascript. Available immediately


Python, Javascript, C/C++, SQL
Mac OS X, Linux (Ubuntu/Debian, RHEL/CentOS), AWS, Azure, Digital Ocean
Web Servers:
nginx, Apache, WSGI / uWSGI, Gunicorn
Django, Django REST Framework, Vue.js, React, Backbone, Bootstrap
MySQL, PostgreSQL, Memcached, Redis, REST, GraphQL
git / GitHub, Docker, pytest, tox, Fabric, Celery, Jira, Jenkins, Mercurial
HTML, CSS, SASS, XML, JSON, reStructured Text, Markdown

Work Experience


Washington, DC / Seoul, Korea

Lead Technical Debt Developer 7/20221/2024

  • Planned and documented strategies for upgrading Django and 3rd party dependencies, as well as older Javascript dependencies
  • Implemented private PyPI index for housing forked Python dependencies
  • Upgraded Django from v1.4 to v1.5, v1.8
  • Replaced outdated, unsupported dependencies
  • Supervised junior and contract developers and their workflows
  • Led the team to adopting better git practices for cleaner, linear commits and rebase merging

Senior Platform Developer 2/20227/2022

Develop and maintain the GovExec's CMS and web platform (derivitive of The Atlantic CMS)

  • Wrote ETL services to onboard City & State Pennsylvania from older MySQL-based Drupal site to GovExec's Django-based CMS
  • Developed configuration management process to accommodate multiple user development deployment servers

US Embassy to South Korea, Spousal Support

Washington, DC / Seoul, Korea

Defense Attaché Spousal Support 8/20216/2024

  • Studied Korean language introduction (30 hrs/week, 8/2021 - 12/2021)
  • Attended Defense Intelligence Agency Joint Military Attaché Spouses Program
  • Self-employed developer and maintainer of numerous Django-based websites using Docker, Ubuntu, git and Vue.js
  • Served as treasurer, organizer, website creator, and lead chef for community BBQ events twice annually with 650 attendees

The Atlantic Monthly Group

Washington, DC / Kaneohe, HI

Senior Platform Developer 4/20187/2021

Develop and maintain the Atlantic's CMS and web platform

  • Upgrade CMS from Django 1.8 to Django 1.11 and. Django 2.2
  • Upgrade Django-based Atlantic open source repositories from Django 1.8 to Django 1.11, 2.2, 3.2
  • Upgrade all Python repositories from 2.7 to 3.7
  • Implemented multiple scenario Django admin interfaces, DRF API, React, and Javascript for sponsor content backend
  • Created Facebook news interface
  • Assisted in static content and media from server file systems to AWS
  • Initial Docker-ization of customer facing subscription services
  • Developed git pre-commit hooks for linting and Python health checks

Artemis Consulting (Library of Congress)

Washington, DC

Lead Python Developer 11/20174/2018

Design and implement internal tools for digital data ingest

  • Designed public facing site for annotating data ingest using Django 3.2, Django Rest Framework, PostgreSQL, and React

Open Therapeutics, LLC

Washington, DC / Cincinnati, OH

Lead Software Developer and Director of Software Development 6/20166/2017

Architect and principal contributor to the Therapoid platform.

  • Designed tools, services, and interfaces for open source, collaborative bio-technologists and life scientists using Django 1.11, PostgreSQL, Javascript, git, Linux, and AWS.
  • Incorporated various 3rd party API's for authentication, annotation, and publishing services.

Self Employed

Maastricht, NL

Web Development Consultant 3/20146/2016

Development of major conference web sites and portals.

  • Developed web portals for the Univeristy of Maastricht departmental conferences, handling registration, enrollment, and scheduling services.
  • Authored the Pension Communication web portal for the U. of Maastricht Deportment of Finance.

Real Digital Media

Portland, ME / Seminole, FL

Sr. Software Engineer 5/20113/2014

Front-end developer and designer for cutting edge enterprise SaaS platform for managing large scale digital signage delivery networks.

  • Using Ruby on Rails, Backbone Javascript, and Java, built custom signage design tools for Chrome

CashStar, Inc

Portland, ME

Sr. Software Engineer 2/20095/2011

Employee number 7 during early start-up phase, helped to grow CashStar from 3 to 90+ merchant accounts and 40+ employees.

  • Developed skin-able eCommerce web sites for digital gift cards for top industry leading brands, e.g. and (for extensive list see
  • Wrote internal customer service applications with integrations for proprietary, predictive fraud and risk analysis services to minimize credit card fraud.
  • Designed extensive, patent-pending promotional and incentive packages for seasonal marketing campaigns.
  • Developed analytical and reporting mash-up web applications for client dashboard services.


Billerica, MA

Sr. Web Developer 10/20068/2007

Technical Services member

  • Design and implementation of the OASIS Library, a document management system for the OASIS standards workflow process, featuring expensive metadata capabilities based upon Dublin Core (DCMI). Developed using Django, MySQL, Apache 2.2 and Debian Linux.
  • Maintenance and enhancement of the Zope-based KAVI platform.

Somatic Digital

Manchester, NH

Lead Software Architect and Developer 11/20041/2009

Co-founder and Vice President of a technology start-up, responsible for all developmental aspects of the Touch User Interface (TUI) technology, which naturalizes human/computer interaction by providing the conduit through which multimedia content is accessed through non-traditional means, such as paper.

  • Managed and implemented all technology R&D, prototypes, and IT infrastructure to position the company to successfully raise over $1M in angel and venture funding.
  • Wrote the primary desktop client applications using Python and the wxPython GUI framework, deployed to both Mac OS X and Windows platforms.
  • Designed and implemented the and websites using the Django web framework and the jQuery javascript library.
  • Authored the TUI XML-based, content-mapping schema used to connect areas of the pages of the TUI-enabled book to digital content, websites, applications, and proprietary subscription services.
  • Inventor / co-inventor named on 5 patents.
  • Contributed to the success of Somatic Digital's strategic partnerships with NASA and the National Federation of the Blind.
  • Authored the web accessible site, allowing blind users to exchange braille publications through the USPS Free Matter for the Blind.
  • Crafted the standardized TUI Icon library for entry into the INCITS V36 technology standards (, as well as gain Somatic Digital's entry onto the committee.


Redmond, WA

Software Development Engineer / Test 9/20043/2005

Visual Studio 2005 Team Suites member

  • Architected the core testing framework for the Team Suites integration with Visual Studio 2005, MS Excel and MS Project using C#.NET 2.0
  • Supervised the daily outsourcing of test case development to Microsoft's contracting agents in China
  • Enhanced the daily test automation environment using Python 2.3

Software Development Engineer / Test 9/20039/2004

Windows 2003 Server team member for Microsoft UDDI v3

  • Implemented an XML-driven test harness using C#.NET to automate web browser UI and Windows Server 2K3 MMC test cases
  • Wrote detailed test cases for the UDDI SOAP interface using XML and XSLT
  • Automated the testing environment using Python 2.3


Clearwater, FL

Software Engineer 1/20036/2003

Team member for the Ballistic Missile Range Safety Technology system (staffed through Manpower)

  • Implemented a quadratic digital smoothing filter for radar data ingest
  • Created an XML-driven, automated build system in Python 2.2 and C++, using MFC, SMTP, PVCS, MS Word integration

Lead Software Test Engineer 7/20021/2003

Team lead responsible for implementing white-box testing for a multithreaded, cross-platform, software library written in C++, used as the foundation for the BMRST system

  • Designed extensive test code scenarios for a string class with regular expression interfaces; TCP/IP socket and listener interfaces; templatized containers (deques, maps, vectors); threading devices (semaphores, mutex, critical sections)
  • Wrote a C++ language parser in Python to extract class and method declarations for generating skeleton test code.


Sarasota, FL

Senior Software Engineer 6/20007/2002

Lead developer responsible for the design and development of the Site Event Buffer (SEBea), a remote hardware device used to monitor legacy telecommunication devices via data collection, alarm monitoring and event reporting.

  • Designed with UML and implemented with C++ a customized RTOS and application layer embedded in the Motorola PowerQUICC 860T
  • Refactored and extended the Python 1.5.2 interpreter as a thread-safe, embedded code base within the RTOS application layer
  • Authored a command line shell for remote telnet or serial interface
  • Engineered the event detection process by which input is read, analyzed, and converted from a byte stream to meaningful records of information to be cached into a tagged data format for remote retrieval
  • Contributed to the SEBEa MFC emulator application


Tampa, FL

Software Engineer 3/19996/2000

Developed dial-up and broadband connectivity software for Windows and Macintosh

  • Contributed to the development the dialer application, specializing in Windows dial-up networking with RAS, TCP/IP, PPP, VPN, and PPTP

Andersen Consulting (Accenture)

St. Petersburg, FL

Software Consultant 8/19973/1999

Lead developer for the developmental tools team for a full lifecycle, large scale, client/server application package

  • Wrote stand-alone MFC applications and web-based services for the optimization and enchancement of the development and deployment environments

Robbins Engineering

Tampa, FL

Software Developer and Trainer 11/19968/1997

Development, deployment, and training of multiple engineering software packages

  • Programmed designer roof engineering applications
  • Developed custom C++ and AutoLisp tools for analysis of engineered roof systems


Daytona State College (Daytona Beach CC) Daytona Beach, FL A. A. Computer Studies
University Of Florida Gainesville, FL Computer Science